Location: Club in Greece, Ioannina. Salary: Fixed daily wage from €80 to €100. Stage performances: 2 performances per evening. Accommodation: From €5 to €15 per day. Contract duration: Minimum contract duration of 1 month. Working hours: Monday – Thursday: 23:45 – 06:00. Friday – Saturday: 00:00 – 07:30.
Location: Club in Greece, Drama. Working hours: Sundays – Thursdays: 22:30 – 05:00. Fridays – Saturdays: 23:00 – 06:00/07:00. Salary: Fixed daily salary €70. Stage performances: A non-stop program is applied in this club. Accommodation: The rental price for the apartment is €7 per day. Contract duration: Minimum contract duration of 1 month.
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